Friday, October 8, 2010

Laughing Buddha in Feng Shui - Wealth, Health & Happiness

Laughing Buddha in Feng Shui


LAUGHING BUDDHA - The Laughing Buddha is well known symbol of happiness, wealth, kindness and innocent contented joy. It is believed that by rubbing his tummy each day, which is said to contain much wealth, will bring good luck and prosperity.

Buddhas should never be placed on the floor as this is a sign of disrespect. All About Feng Shui recommends that you place your Buddha at least 4' from the floor in an elevated position. Treat him with respect and he will reward you handsomely.

Best direction for him to be placed is our personal wealth direction. Place a figurine of a laughing Buddha in your living room and garden. The Buddha is the most revered deity in the East. Choose an image of him laughing to attract happiness to your home.

If you find that you are feeling stressed out which could lead to you suffering with migraines it would be good idea to position a Laughing BUDDHA on your desk so when you look at him it will seem as though he is taking your worries away leaving your mind clear to think. To make you feel happy why not sit your HAPPY BUDDHA facing you and look at him and capture his smile every day to make you feel happy again and to help you forget all that is troubling you. He collects your troubles in his sack and carries the bottle gourd filled with Holy Nectar for a long life.

Will bring joy and luck into your home.

Shop for Buddhas in our Store!

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