Thursday, May 10, 2012

Fish at The Crabby Nook

Fish at The Crabby Nook

Fish: Sometimes represented singly or in pairs when it is intended to be one of the Eight Buddhist Emblems of Happy Augury. The fish is often the carp, a sacred fish, which could come to listen to the preaching of Buddhist scriptures.
  • Yu - Fish in Chinese sounds like the word for "Abundance and Affluence" so the fish symbolizes wealth. Fish shown with a lotus blossom symbolize "Year after Year may you live in Affluence".
  • Goldfish Jin Yu - The Chinese words for goldfish are identical with the two words meaning "Gold and Abundance." Many Chinese keep goldfish at their home or in ponds in temple gardens.
  • Carp Li - Similar sounding to the word "Business" in Chinese. The carp symbolizes a wish for benefit or advantage in business.

FISH FIGURINES - Displaying a fish figurine to your North is very good career luck. Welcomes prosperity and luck. When carried or worn it will give you energies of good forturne where ever you go.

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