01/23/2012 - 02/09/2013 (Water)
According to the Chinese Zodiac, the Year of 2012 is the Year of the Dragon, which begins on January 23, 2012 and ends on February 9, 2013. The Dragon is the fifth sign of the Chinese Zodiac, which consists of 12 Animal signs. The Dragon is a creature of myth and legend. In ancient China, the celestial Dragon represents an emperor and power. Today, it is the ultimate auspicious symbol signifying success and happiness. May the celestial Dragon bring great good luck to everyone.
I hope you are getting ready for the most successful year in 2012. Be sure to read up on your Chinese Zodiac and be prepared for the most fabulous year and positive experiences! However, during the rest of this year, 2011, you must start planning to be ready to take on all of your new adventures!
As all of my readers know, it will bring you luck to display your Chinese Zodiac symbol. And, you also know that when you display the current year animal zodiac symbol, that also brings you luck during that year.
Start making a plan on where you are going to display the Dragon symbol. Love Sector? Protection Section? Career Sector? Home or Office? Determine your GUA number to find the appropriate Feng Shui sector...
Personally, since I am the sign of the Dragon and absolutely love the Chinese Dragon sculpture, I display them everywhere in my home and office. Dragon sculptures will become harder and harder to find the closer we get to February. Start planing now. Buy your Dragon sculptures today!
Jade Dragons |
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