Sunday, December 30, 2012

The LOTUS in Feng Shui by The Crabby Nook



The LOTUS in Feng Shui

The Lotus, called 'Lian Hua' in Chinese is a universal symbol of purity and enlightenment. Regarded as good fortune flower by many Feng Shui masters, the lotus is said to turn bad luck to good luck and heighten your sense of joy and peace. In Chinese custom, the word 'Lian' sounds like successive and if depicted with the image of a baby, it becomes a symbol of good descendant luck. And because lotus leaves protect the fish under them and fish is regarded as abundance, the lotus also symbolizes good fortune secured through generations. One of the revered Eight Immortals, Ho Hsien Ku holds a lotus. She's a symbol of family and marriage luck.

One of the most potent enhancers of good fortune and when appropriately activated, it becomes an even more powerful attractor of business and prosperity luck. Display a crystal lotus in the center of your store or in the heart of your home and you will find your wealth increasing through extra income, i.e. pay raise, bigger deals, more customers, etc. Place it in your office in the same manner and you will find yourself closing more deals as it can help you to clear obstacles so that you get the upper hand in business negotiations.

The Lotus rising beautifully from the mud and murky water signifies overcoming obstacles in life suggests bad things can turn good and pure, even in the darkest and gloomiest situations. This inspires one that one can distance oneself from any bad luck and sufferings, eventually rise out of it and bloom elegantly if one has a pure and sincere heart.

The Lotus is also associated with Buddhism. The Buddhist sutras say that the lotus has four virtues: scent, purity, softness and loveliness. Legend has it that before Siddartha Gaotama's or the Buddha's birth, his mother dreamed of a white elephant presenting her with a lotus flower. When the Buddha was born, a lotus appeared in ten directions with each of the seven steps he took.

If you are seeking a perfect partner, place a Lotus in your romance area to symbolize a perfect union.

Shop Lotus in our Store now...

    Here is how you can use the Clear Crystal Lotus Blossom Flower in Feng Shui to a better life: 
    • 1. Display the Clear Crystal Lotus Blossom Flower in your living room, family area, office table and business premises to enhance wealth and overall good luck. The Lotus also serves as a reminder that you will come out unscathed from any difficult situations if you put your mind to solving it. 

    • 2. Place a Clear Crystal Lotus Blossom Flower in your living room or bedroom to enhance the harmonious chi in your home and to prevent quarrels in the family. The Lotus will emit Chi to promote calmer minds and thoughts for better relationships among family members.

    • 3. Place the Clear Crystal Lotus Blossom Flower near windows in your living room to catch the rays of the morning sun and reflect them into beautiful rainbow potent 'yang' energy to purify your surrounding chi and brings loads of luck into the home.

Capiz Shell LOTUS Tea Light Candle Holders

Shop for LOTUS in our store now...

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Chinese Zodiac - 2013 Year of the Snake

Chinese Zodiac
February 9, 2013 - January 30, 2014 

Chinese New Year starts with the New Moon on the first day of the new year and ends on the full moon 15 days later. The 15th day of the new year is called the Lantern Festival, which is celebrated at night with lantern displays and children carrying lanterns in a parade.
The Chinese calendar is based on a combination of lunar and solar movements. The lunar cycle is about 29.5 days. In order to "catch up" with the solar calendar the Chinese insert an extra month once every few years (seven years out of a 19-yearcycle). This is the same as adding an extra day on leap year. This is why, according to the solar calendar, the Chinese New Year falls on a different date each year.
New Year's Eve and New Year's Day are celebrated as a family affair, a time of reunion and thanksgiving. The celebration was traditionally highlighted with a religious ceremony given in honor of Heaven and Earth, the gods of the household and the family ancestors.
    2013 is the Year of the Snake.  Ancient Chinese wisdom says a Snake in the house is a good omen because it means your family will not starve. This could be taken metaphorically to mean that a Snake could never have a problem with his family starving because he is such a great mediator, making him good at business. Or it could mean that a Snake would be willing to sacrifice his possessions, something the Snake has a lot of, in order to pay for his family’s food. Any way it is interpreted is representative of the Snake’s character and is a measure of the value he puts on his material wealth. The Snake is keen and cunning, quite intelligent and wise. 

The coming 2013 year of the water Snake is going to be astute in observations and deft in actions. The Snake symbol of the 2013 year is an active, water snake and has a very seductive nature. The 2013 Snake of Kuei Szu year has the ability to read complicated situations quickly in a controlled manner which is good for business. But the 2013 Snake needs to watch for fanatical commitments since Snakes inclination to spend money quickly before earning it may produce tensions in personal relationships. 

This is a year of water Snake, and all things will be possible. Saving money and being thrifty should be your top priorities. Delusion and deception are common in the year of the water Snake. Stay alert! To gain the greatest benefits from this year, you must control spending and use your talents wisely. If you are planning to get married or to begin a business partnership, be sure to thoroughly investigate the other person's finances and background before you legalize the alliance. 

Philosophical, wise, calm and understanding, though often fickle or self-indulgent. Elegant to the point of being ostentatious. Can behave selfishly if crossed. A Snake lady is also charming in personality and elegant in dress. She is receptive and a deep thinker and likes to judge by intuition. She is fortunate in wealth through her life. Philosopher, theologian, political wizard, wily financier - the Snake person is the deepest thinker and enigma of the Chinese cycle. He is endowed with an inborn wisdom of his very own; a mystic in his own right. Graceful and soft-spoken, he loves good books, food, music, the theater; he will gravitate toward all the finer things in life. The most beautiful women and powerful men tend to be born under this sign. So if you are one of the Snake people, you are in good company. 

A person of this sign generally relies on his own judgment and does not communicate well with others. He can deeply religious or psychic, or on the other hand, totally hedonistic. Either way, he trusts his own vibrations rather than outside advice. More often than not...he will be right. 

Rich in wisdom and charm, you are romantic and deep thinking and your intuition guides you strongly. Avoid procrastination and your stingy attitude towards money. Keep your sense of humor about life. The Snake would be most content as a teacher, philosopher, writer, psychiatrist, and fortune teller. 

1929 - 1941 - 1953 - 1965 - 1977 - 1989 - 2001 - 2013 Read more about the Snake...

How will your sign fare during the Year of the Snake? 
    A mixed year. The Rat has to be very careful in making investments or important decisions. A big illness or some loss of money will cast gloom over him. His lick will turn for the better toward the end of the year and he may be able to recoup some losses.
1924 - 1936 - 1948 - 1960 - 1972 - 1984 - 1996 - 2008 - 2020 Read more about the Rat...
    Good times predicted for the Ox person. He will find it easy to make money. Things are all within his reach this year. On the darker side, he may suffer from a misunderstanding with some associate or find that some friend betrays his confidence. All his problems can be resolved if he is open to discussion.
1925 - 1937 - 1949 - 1961 - 1973 - 1985 - 1997 - 2009 - 2021 Read more about the Ox/Buffalo...
    A fair year for the Tiger. No large losses or gains foreseen and his life could be tranquil if he is cautious enough not to get caught up in the affairs of others. His progress will be steady and his illnesses minor. Most of his disappointments will come from persons of the opposite sex.
1926 - 1938 - 1950 - 1962 - 1974 - 1986 - 1998 - 2010 - 2022 Read more about the Tiger...
   Not much tangible progress for the Rabbit during this year. He may have to travel or be faced with difficulties from several directions. A change of residence or career is also indicated as he tries to consolidate or better his current position. He could also find less time to spend with his family or be faced with many unplanned expenses.
1927 - 1939 - 1951 - 1963 - 1975 - 1987 - 1999 - 2011 - 2023 Read more about the Rabbit...
    A lucky year for the Dragon's business endeavors. His plans still go smoothly although he meets minor opposition. He may have some personal or romantic problems as home life and love life are neglected by him.
1928 - 1940 - 1952 - 1964 - 1976 - 1988 - 2000 - 2012 - 2024 Read more about the Dragon...
    A fair year for the Snake although he may feel that his achievements are not up to expectations. It is a year for him to bide his time and not make sudden changes. Patience and a cool head are essential if he is to keep himself out of trouble. Business misunderstanding, romantic problems or a slight injury to the body are foreseen. His gains are modest but he is going to be more concerned with securing his position or retaining control.
1929 - 1941 - 1953 - 1965 - 1977 - 1989 - 2001 - 2013 - 2025 Read more about the Snake...
    A busy, involved year that brings taxing demands on the Horse's time and energy. Difficulties come from partners or friends and delays are caused by unseen obstacles. He will find support in his family but cannot expect a great deal of achievement in spite of all his efforts.
1930 - 1942 - 1954 - 1966 - 1978 - 1990 - 2002 - 2014 - 2026 Read more about the Horse...
    A good year as the Sheep regains power, position and popularity. New and influential people help him and he will travel or receive some additional income. Bad tidings may delay his progress temporarily but his goals will be accomplished in the end. 
1931 - 1943 - 1955 - 1967 - 1979 - 1991 - 2003 - 2015 - 2027 Read more about the Sheep/Goat...
    A moderately happy year as the Monkey receives assistance from friends or support from his superiors. Good times are in store although there are some disputes at home. A year in which he must hold his tongue and avoid confrontation at all costs.
1932 - 1944 - 1956 - 1968 - 1980 - 1992 - 2004 - 2016 - 2028 Read more about the Monkey...
    Still a fortunate year for the Rooster, as some progress is indicated and he is lucky enough to retain his good position. No large monetary gains foreseen this year, although he will be able to curtail his losses to an admirable degree. Freak accidents or malicious rumors are also likely this year and he should not take long or unnecessary journeys.
1933 - 1945 - 1957 - 1969 - 1981 - 1993 - 2005 - 2017 - 2029 Read more about the Rooster...
    A very good year. The Dog will still have to work hard but he will receive due recognition of his efforts. He will be lucky in his business investments and will have the support of the right people. A year for him to take things easy and enjoy his family life more. He will also benefit a lot from good advice or tops given to him at this time.
1934 - 1946 - 1958 - 1970 - 1982 - 1994 - 2006 - 2018 - 2030 Read more about the Dog...
    A hectic and uneasy time for the Boar, although moderate success can be expected. He will be occupied with travel, aggressive speculation and joint ventures. He will also receive some sad news and have problem with the opposite sex. Setbacks will result mainly from overspending or extravagance.
1935 - 1947 - 1959 - 1971 - 1983 - 1995 - 2007 - 2019 - 2031 Read more about the Pig/Boar...

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Only 10 online Christmas Shopping Days Left!

Only 10 online Christmas Shopping Days Left!
Don't forget to shop our vast selection of Decorative Keepsake Boxes, Candle Holders and Kitchenware and Serve ware!

Highgate Manor Zebra Faux Fur Throw and Slipper Gift Set Come home to luxurious comfort and warmth with this faux-fur throw and slipper set. You'll stave off a chill and look adorable padding around the house in your matching mules. Prepare to face the winter season in style with this chic and sassy combo.

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Hand painted Art Glass SunCatchers, Night Lights, Candleware and Decorative Keepsake Boxes!  

  • These art glass designs make an ideal gift      for any occasion!

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Thank you for being a loyal The Crabby Nook customer!  We appreciate your business and support of our small company.  Our goal is to find you unique hand crafted gifts and decor that will be remembered for years to come.

Shop today!  We ship fast!  Your gift will arrive in time for holiday giving if you shop today! 

See you Shopping Soon!  at The Crabby Nook....

Sunday, December 2, 2012

We Ship Fast! at The Crabby Nook

Time is of the essence!  There is still time to receive your gifts on time for the holidays!  Order today!  We ship fast!

Whether you want something to add artistic flair, an exotic touch, or combine storage with decorating, you will find something you will want at The Crabby Nook.  Our goal is to find you unique gifts and decor that will be remembered and loved for years to come! 

Shop today!

Highgate Manor Zebra Faux Fur Throw and Slipper Gift Set

zebrathrow Come home to luxurious comfort and warmth with this faux-fur throw and slipper set. You'll stave off a chill and look adorable padding around the house in your matching mules. Prepare to face the winter season in style with this chic and sassy combo.
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Jade Carvings

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Desk Accessories

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Crystal Lotus, World Globe or Dragon

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Ceramic Japanese Dinnerware

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Hand Painted Art Glass Sun Catchers, Night lights, Keepsake Boxes and Coasters

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Monday, November 26, 2012

Stocking Stuffers at The Crabby Nook

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Stocking Stuffers!
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Our goal is to find you unique handmade gifts that will be remembered and loved for years to come!

Don't Forget to check-out these Cool Gift Categories!

Night Lights

NOW $22.50-26.50
Letter Openers

NOW $12-22.50
Forward this message to a friend | Shop early while quantities are still good!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Exquisite Austrian Crystal Gifts! at The Crabby Nook


Exquisite Austrian Crystal Gifts!qrcodename


Collectible Trinket Boxes

Vanity Sets

vanitytray1900a 2 INCLUDES: Mirror Tray; Perfume Bottle; Candle Holder; and, Trinket / Jewelry Box.

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Type Title Here

peacock500aAustrian Crystal Encrusted Peacock and Enamel Trinket Box
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elephantlg1500aHand Painted Enamel with Austrian Crystals Elephant Trinket Box
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Type Title Here

matchingclock500aDecorative Functional Desk Clock adorned with Austrian Crystals

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