Display Feng Shui Enhancement Symbols for LOVE and ROMANCE

SACRED ELEPHANT - For thousands of years, the elephant has been a symbol of power, wisdom, virility, fidelity, and longevity. This belief is held not by a single culture, but by at least three the Chinese, Africans, and Indians. The Sacred Elephant is used mostly to promote love and fidelity among couples, but some also use it to bring forth their innate qualities for good governance, namely dignity, intelligence, and prudence. Place it prominently either in your bedroom, study, or office.
Been trying for a few years and still haven't had a child? Try placing an elephant figurine in your bedroom and stroking its trunk every night before you sleep. If you're particular about the sex of your unborn, you might want to place a stone on the back of the elephant for a male child.
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QUAN YIN - Kwan Yin (Quan Yin) Also known as Quan Yin Goddess of mercy and compassion. It is said that anyone who calls on her will be rescued from harm and bad health. When placed in a room she cleanses the home of negative influences, including arguments, martial problems and illness. Kwan Yin is also the protector of all children and women and brings compassion and love into your home. A must for anyone looking to strengthen or enhance a relationship with your partner or children, she also is said to enhance fertility.
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ROOSTER of FIDELITY - Have a sneaking suspicion that your other half has someone else in his/her life? Those late nights at work are not really spent laboring in front of the computer? Try keeping a Rooster of Fidelity at your main door! Many Feng Shui practitioners recommend placing an image of the Rooster when extra-marital affairs become a threat to the household. The correct placement of the rooster is to place it at the main door looking out. This is to enable the rooster to peck away all possible peach flowers, a Chinese term for romance and love. Hence you can be sure of heavenly luck protecting your home against such intruders.
LOVING COUPLE IMAGES - Images of loving couples are used in Feng Shui to enhance present relationships or draw future relationship closer.
IMAGE of TWO BIRDS/LOVE BIRDS - Place a pair of birds in your bedroom. In China, birds are seen as harbingers of good luck, so including a pair in your bedroom can enhance a relationship. Placing Two Rose Quartz Pieces on your dresser contain subtle vibrations that affect the emotions to strengthen feelings of affection. This cure also uses the number two to encourage affection between you and your partner.
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TWO ROSE QUARTZ PIECES - on Your Dresser. Rose quartz objects contain subtle vibrations that affect the emotions to strengthen feelings of affection. This cure also uses the number two to encourage affection between you and your partner. Rose Quartz is known as the romance stone. It is also believed to aid peacefulness and calm in relationships also used to ease stress and tension and assist sleep.
MANDARIN DUCKS - The Chinese have always regarded Mandarin Ducks as perfect mates. Called "Yin Yiong", Mandarin Ducks mate for life (as opposed to the Emperors who had numerous concubines). They are also excellent mates, taking perfect care of each other.
Never seen apart or without the other tagging along many termed this the "perfect marriage". As such they eventually became the definitive symbol for conjugal bliss. Even today they are still the most potent symbol of everlasting love.
CRYSTAL LOTUS - one of the most potent enhancers of good fortune and when appropriately activated, it becomes an even more powerful attractor of business and prosperity luck. Display this crystal lotus in the center of your store or in the heart of your home and you will fnd your wealth increasing through extra income, i.e. pay raise, bigger deals, more customers, etc. Place it in your office in the same manner and you will find yourself closing more deals as it can help you to clear obstacles so that you get the upper hand in business negotiations. Place your crystal lotus near a window that receives sunshine so that your room will be filled with cascades of rainbows that will bring positive energies and a feeling of tranquility to your home. If you are seeking a perfect partner, place a Crystal Lotus in your romance area to symbolize a perfect union.
LAUGHING BUDDHA- The Laughing Buddha is well known symbol of happiness, wealth, kindness and innocent contented joy. It is believed that by rubbing his tummy each day, which is said to contain much wealth, will bring good luck and prosperity. Buddhas should never be placed on the floor as this is a sign of disrespect. All About Feng Shui recomends that you place your Buddha at least 4' from the floor in an elevated position. Treat him with respect and he will reward you handsomely. Best direction for him to be placed is our personal wealth direction. Place a figurine of a laughing buddha in your living room and garden. The buddha is the most revered deity in the East. Choose an image of him laughing to attract happiness to your home.
RED - A very powerful color. It is the color of passion, love and energy. Red has the lowest vibration among other colors, and therefore is the most physically vitalizing. In astrology, the color of Mars is red and it has dynamic power over iron. Iron gives us our red blood and without it, we would have some sort of pale liquid flowing in our veins. Mars is also the God of War. Translated, it means a martial spirit, quick strength, force, power and leadership.
Have you been feeling rather tired and off colored lately? Sluggish and haggard? Lacking the energy to do anything? Do you need something to stimulate warmth and excitement in you? Place your Red Agate near your sleeping place so that the healing energies can be transmitted to you. You can also display it on your working desk or some place where you can easily look at it. This beautiful stone is also wonderful to gaze at.
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PUZZLE BALL: This unique chi ball is an ancient form of carving from China. Sometimes called puzzle balls or mystery balls , they have an intertwined dragon and phoenix carved outside and four layers inside - each layer inside is completely detached and moveable. The four layers signify the four directions or elements of earth. The dragon and phoenix represent our male/female energies showing our ability to master earthly events and situations.
DOUBLE YIN YANG FISH: Display in the Living Room for a Happy Union and Harmony in your Home or Yin Yang Fish. The Yin Yang Fish is an excellent energizer for marriage luck. These auspicious carp symbolize abundant good fortune and marital bliss. A pair of carp also ensures joyous unions. Display this auspicious carp anywhere in your home to enjoy abundant good fortune. For a happy marriage, display the Yin Yang Fish in the southwest of your home.
SATSUMA EGG OR JADE EGG: Place an egg on your nightstand. This cure is good for couples who want a child because it combines loving vibrations contained in the ovoid shape that symbolizes fertility and new life.
USE THAI CHOPSTICKS: This cure combines the number two with the wood element to encourage love to grow between you and a partner. It also enhances your ability to nurture each other.
PEONIES: Peonies, the Flower of love and Happiness! Ieal for your Love Sector, or in the living room to impart a warm and loving vibe for your family and friends.
BAMBOO: Enhance the 'growing chi' of your health, wealth,and romance when you display bamboo! Bamboo represents growth of life, wealth, strengthens health chi, gives strength to any situation.
DOUBLE HAPPINESS: Double Happiness is the excellent energizer for love and happiness. Display it in the southwest of your bedroom to attract the precious chi' of purity in love to your house.
Display in the LOVE or ROMANCE area in your home according to your GUA number.
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CRYSTAL HEARTS and DIAMONDS: Crystals are highly prized and best used to energize the Earth element in Feng Shui practice as well as to create very useful harmonizing effects within the home. This is acknowledged by many Feng Shui masters because crystals have the most pure and powerful earth energy.
A Pink colored crystal may help people pursue and grasp love. They can improve personal relationships.
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