The Six Power Animals of Protection
The Elephant, Tiger, Camel, Rhino, Lion and the Bear

The Bear (Vision and Leadership).
The Bear was one of the first animals to be revered by humans. In Celtic tradition the Bear was the Primal Mother, Artio and intense protector. The Druids associated the Polar Star of the constellation of the Bear to King Arthur. The Bear was the scared animal of Artermis in Greek mythology. To the Inuit the "Mother Bear" gives Shamans the ability to see into the spirit world. The power of the Bear teaches us to go within, in order to digest our experiences, and to seek knowledge through contemplation and experience. Wisdom comes through the stillness of contemplation.
The Elephant. (Strength and Spiritually).
The Elephant is a universal symbol of Strength, Wisdom, dignity and Good Judgement. In many cultures the Elephant is also a symbol of peace, bountiful harvest and rainfall. In China, Africa and India they see the Elephant as an ancient symbol of sovereign power. The Elephant was the mount of Indra, the Rain God. The ancient Greeks believed the Elephant to cure illness with its breath. A White Elephant announces the birth of Buddha to his mother, Queen Maya. Aristotle called the Elephant "The beast that passeth all others in wit and mind".
The Lion. (Nobility and Courage).
In ancient Egypt the prowess and greatness of the Female Lion was recognised and worshipped as Sekhmet, the Sun Goddess, a powerful Lioness deity. In size, strength, co-operative hunting and sheer power, no member of the cat clan can match the Lion. Invoke the totem of the Lion for strength, vigour, courage, luck, nobleness of spirit, medicine power and prosperity. The Lion is sacred to Buddhism as an emblem of valour and energy and is sometimes depicted offering flowers to Buddha. Sculptures of Lions are often seen at the gates of temples, homes and tombs as a symbol of scaring away demons.
The Rhino (Durability, Fertility and Protection).
In Indian classics the great god Vishnu rods on the back of a Rhinoceros. In Africa lore the Rhinoceros is a symbol of virility and vigour. It is personified as a spirited warrior endowed with an abundance of strength and tenacity. In Yemen, dagger handles were fashioned from the horn of the Black Rhino to enhance a warrior's strength and power to battle. Statue of a double horned Rhino is used at the entrance of homes to represent warding off evil and trouble.
The Tiger (Judgment, Skill and Protector of Souls).
Tigers are solitary creatures, living alone until it is time to breed. In ancient times the Tiger obtained the imagery of a supernatural power and also as the mount of Durga, the "Inaccessible One" who rode a Tiger into battle. Stone Tigers are often used seen protecting graves and doorways. In Japan the Tiger was said to live a thousand years and was adopted as an emblem of the warrior class. Tigers are often identified with masterful spirits of Shamanism; Traces of this culture still exist to this day.
The Camel (Adaptability, Survival and Endurance).
The Camel is a spectacular design of creation that can exist and prosper in harsh and unforgiving conditions. The Camel represents endurance, conservation and stamina. They can go for many days without water. Then when water becomes available, they can drink up to thirty gallons in a very short period of time. Their body has been created to assist its survival by having amazing techniques such as oxidisation of the fat stored in its hump for water. They have feet that do not interfere with the environment and double rows of eyelashes and hairs in their ears to protect against frequent sand storms in the desert.
Brought to you by The Crabby Nook
Home of authentic Asian & African Gifts and Collectibles
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